Niihau helicopter tours

Niihau Helicopter Tours: Kauai’s Greatest Adventure

Prepare for the ultimate adventure when taking off with Niihau Helicopter Tours. These experiences offer unparalleled access to the mysterious “Forbidden Island” of Hawaii. A helicopter tour provides you the most exclusive access to the most secretive area in the Pacific, creating a journey of discovery as you soar over the tropical ocean waters. A Niihau helicopter tour promises the greatest views of untouched landscapes, secluded beaches, and cultural treasures kept hidden from the modern world.

Because Niihau helicopter tours are trips that should be conducted with the utmost respect and by a local knowledgeable pilot, it’s paramount that you book responsibly. Here are our recommendations on how you can secure Kauai’s greatest adventure offering through a trusted air tour over Niihau.

What Is Niihau Island?

Niihau, often referred to as the “Forbidden Island,” is a privately owned island located just 15 miles off of Kauai, Hawaii. It is the smallest inhabited island in the Hawaiian chain of isles, and is the only place where the native Hawaiian language is still spoken primarily, and fluently. Niihau has been privately owned by the Robinson family for over 150 years, passed down through generations since 1864.

The small isle’s commitment to preserving Hawaiian culture and traditions, as well as its tight-knit community, which consists mainly of Native Hawaiian residents, sets it apart in addition to the close-door policy it employs. Access to Niihau is highly restricted, making it one of the least visited islands in Hawaii and contributing to its aura of mystery and exclusivity– and a leading reason why the only way to gain any access or insight to the isle is through the Niihau helicopter tours.

What’s Included With Niihau Helicopter Tours

Niihau Helicopter Tours often offer a comprehensive experience that combines adventure with education. When you book with a trusted Kauai helicopter tour company like Ali’i Air Tours it will include knowledgeable pilots who provide insights into the history and modern culture of Niihau, enriching your understanding of this secretive island. Guests are treated to panoramic views, with no middle seats, to take in all of Niihau’s rugged coastline, pristine beaches, and lush landscape, ensuring the most immersive experience one could hope to have with the closed off island. What’s greater is that Niihau helicopter tours typically feature other stunning landmarks scattered across the neighbor island Kauai as it would be your departure and arrival spot.

How Much Do Kauai Helicopter Tours Cost?

The cost of Kauai helicopter tours, including the exclusive trips to Niihau, can vary. This is depending on factors such as tour duration, included amenities, and if you are booking a private or semi private tour or charter. The best way to uncover the cost of a Niihau helicopter ride would be to contact the tour operator directly. While it’s important to consider budget, it’s equally crucial to prioritize safety, quality, and the overall experience when selecting a Kauai helicopter tour. Many operators offer different packages and vary their pricing based around the season, so be sure to explore all options and keep in mind booking!

Recommendation for the Best Helicopter Tours of Niihau

For those searching for the best helicopter tours of Niihau, it’s essential to choose reputable local pilots on Kauai, known for their commitment to safety, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Our recommendation is to book your helicopter adventure above Niihau with the pilots at our own Ali’i Air Tours. With a proven track record of excellence which includes the amenities and customer satisfaction, booking with us is an easy decision.

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