Best Kauai Whale Watching Airplane Tour

Kauai Whale Watching Airplane Tour – Watch the Giant Wonders Living Under Water

Have a Whale of a Time in Hawaii!

If you are visiting Hawaii this holiday season, it is almost impossible to say you won’t be going whale watching while you are there.
Whether your friend or your tour guide recommended it, or maybe these enormous sea mammals have fascinated you ever since you were a child; watching a giant whale from up-close is surely an opportunity you wouldn’t want to miss.

Nothing beats the thrill and excitement as you witness a huge water mammal weighing hundreds of tons, emerge from the depths of the ocean, burst through the surface and jump up several meters into the air as if it were weightless.

humpback whale watching kauaiWhy is Whale Watching in Hawaii so special?

The Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary is one of the world’s most important whale habitats. Almost two-thirds of North Pacific humpback whales migrate to Hawaiian waters each winter. It’s estimated that 10,000 – 4,000 whales bear and nurse their calves in Hawaii.

Every winter 10,000 – 4,000 whales migrate to Hawaii to bear and nurse their calves.

(Wikipedia: Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary)

What’s the best Kauai Whale Watching?

Kauai, besides being a heaven on earth with its ethereal waterfalls and pristine beaches, is perhaps more common as the ideal place for whale watching.
But is the choice between whale-watching from land or by sailing closer via boat confusing you?

If yes, we know just what the right option is: neither.
Because we have something even better.

Kauai Whale Watching Tour with Partenavia P68 High Wing Twin Engine Airplane

Yes, you read it right.
We offer a trip of a lifetime as we combine the exhilarating activity that whale watching on Kauai truly is, with the additional adventure of an airplane ride.

This gives you the best vantage point as not only can you see the whales up close as they soar up from the ocean and dive back in, but also gives you the advantage to see them clearly from above while they are still under water. Needless to say, the airplane takes you to the required area much faster than a boat, saving you the most precious currency for a holiday: your time.

Kauai Whale Watching Airplane Tour Dolphin

Whale watching air tour gives you the advantage to see them clearly from above while they are still under water. Our airplane takes you to the required area much faster than a boat.

Plus, if you were thinking of observing the majestic whales from the land just because you didn’t want to get wet, then think no further. Whale-watching from an aircraft is just the best way to go about this mesmerizing expedition.

How to book Kauai Whale Watching Air Tour

Contact us to book your ride today. Rest assured, you are guaranteed to have a whale of a time on this unforgettable trip.

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