doors off helicopter tours Kauai

Gain a New Perspective on a Doors Off, Air Kauai Helicopter Tour

There is no greater thrill than a doors off helicopter tour of Kauai. Whether you are someone who enjoys the feeling of wind whipping through your hair as the helicopter nimbly weaves above the island’s canopy; or you are someone looking to capture an entirely new perspective of the wondrous Garden Isle through the lens of a camera.

A doors off helicopter tour of the island of Kauai is as thrilling as it is magical. With so much of the island remaining completely inaccessible through any other medium, this is the best way to put yourself right into the action and see some incredible things that few people have laid eyes on before!

A Doors Off Air Kauai Helicopter Tour Will Give You an Unobstructed View from Above

Forget the glare of a dirtied window, the constant head bob back and forth to try and see sites out of the window, and the all too well known squint to try and frame things far below in your eye sight. When you book a doors off helicopter tour of Kauai, you will gain an unobstructed look at the wonderful natural beauty that exists in and around the Garden Island.

Enhance Your Kauai Vacation with a Doors Off Air Helicopter Tour

If capturing the perfect photo isn’t at the top of your list of things to do while vacationing to Hawaii, you should still consider booking a spot aboard a doors off helicopter tour of the island. This thrilling experience is sure to excite any thrill seeker or aerial enthusiast! While you can rest assured that a doors off helicopter tour is entirely safe, when booking with a trusted and respected local tour company, this experience is great for adrenaline junkies!

You’ll have the chance to feel the weather breeze through the open cabin while communicating with the pilot and your fellow passengers via a headset– this will also work to dull the noise that will come with flying above the island. As mentioned, around 80% of the island of Kauai is completely inaccessible by foot, automobile, or boat– meaning the only way that you can uncover the hidden oases that exist on the island is through one of these air tours with a trusted pilot. If you want to make the most out of this experience you need to claim your spot aboard this flight!

Capture Breathtaking Photos on a Doors Off Air Adventure in Kauai

One of the key draws for going on a doors off helicopter tour of Kauai, is the ability to take unobstructed photos of some of the most beautiful secluded areas in the world. On a doors off helicopter photo tour you will be transported to Kauai’s hidden natural masterpieces, and without the reflection of a window nor the obstruction of a door, you will be able to grab close up shots that are able to fully capture the magic.

You’ll find that photographers flock at the chance to take photos of almost completely unknown natural phenomena, only found on one of these helicopter tours. With the steady hands and knowledge of the islands that only an experienced local pilot possesses, the perfect photo seems to naturally pose itself outside of the unobstructed doorway. If this sounds like an artistic adventure that excites you, be sure to book your spot aboard one of these exclusive photo tours of Kauai.

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