Kauai Helicopter Tours - Na Pali Coast

Safety First: How to Choose the Safest Helicopter Tour in Kauai

A helicopter tour is undoubtedly a very thrilling experience. While helicopter tours are totally safe with a trusted company, they can still be somewhat intimidating for the faint of heart. Within the scope of booking a helicopter tour of Kauai, there are different modifications and trips that you can opt for that will result in a more adventurous or tame time in the air.

Safety is obviously the number one priority when it comes to owning and operating a fleet of helicopters; this is why at Ali’i Air Tours we pride ourselves in the upkeep of our copters and the prowess of our pilots. Because of this we want to put together our biggest things to consider to make sure that you experience the safest helicopter tour in Kauai.

Look At Reviews, Even For the Highest Rated Helicopter Tours of Kauai

When booking your helicopter tour of Kauai, be sure and read all the reviews on sites like Google My Business and TripAdvisor and see what others have thought of their own experience.

A good and safety driven helicopter tour company will be sure to have transparency around the craft, the pilot(s), and the tour itself. They also have the responsibility to adhere to different weather conditions or natural changes that may affect the safety of the flight itself. In the case that it is not safe to fly they will reschedule the flight for another day or have some other form of compensation– that is, if they are practicing safety and have a good service relationship with their customers. Reading reviews is a pinnacle piece of deciphering if the company you are looking into has this adherence to safety; people will share their experiences: both good and bad. Like everything, it is important to read reviews with nuance, someone may leave a poor review if their flight was canceled due to weather, when in actuality that was the best decision that a company could make– as an example.

Book A Helicopter Tours You’re Comfortable With

The biggest mistake that you could possibly make in booking a helicopter tour that is safe for you, is overestimating your comfortability in the experience. A helicopter tour is incredibly fun! However, if you have hesitations about being in a small craft, you may want to consider a tour with the doors on or even a shorter tour all together so that you can maintain that level of calm.

If you are feeling unsafe that could lead to those around you feeling unsafe as well, to have the best time you should be loving every second! Don’t push yourself into booking an adventure so far out of your comfort zone until you have established that level of ease.

Doors Off Helicopter Tours of Kauai Are Safe

This piggybacks off of our last point, while a doors off helicopter is safe to go on, do not book it if that is something that petrifies you. Doors off helicopter tours are inherently more exciting than ones with the doors on. While it will allow you to get a perfect, unblocked photo of the incredible landscape– you are even more subject to the elements and weather while jetting around.

If you’re someone who thinks that sounds amazing, then be sure to check out and book one of of our safe doors off helicopter tours– if you are on the fence or are not looking to experience the clouds above Kauai in this way there are plenty of options to book a doors on helicopter tour with us as well!

If You’re Nervous – Ask Questions!

Air tours, specifically helicopter tours, of Kauai island have grown increasingly popular over the years. Many of these tours are companies with a small fleet of five seater crafts. Smaller planes and helicopters still require consistent maintenance and checks– something that all air tours of Kauai should be adhering to regularly. If you have questions about when the last time your craft was serviced or the credentials of the pilot– you have the freedom to ask and converse with the company you are looking to book with!

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